Mr & Mrs Meagor

Katy + Vance
11th June 2018
Shane & Hayley
11th June 2018
Katy + Vance
11th June 2018
Shane & Hayley
11th June 2018

Hi Carole We have been back home and happily married now for two months, I thought it was about time that I sent my thanks for all the hard work that you did for us! We got engaged on the 14th February 2010, and within a week our wedding with you was booked! You made everything so easy, within a few emails we had our date set for our wedding! There was so little we needed to do before we came to Turkey, just choosing a dress and deciding on a colour scheme! We already had a date to sort the paper work before we arrived in Turkey, and although not the most fun day, it was easy. On the way back we also stopped off and choose our flowers and cake, all of which we were very pleased with. When we saw the beach venue we were so pleased, it really is a very beautiful setting! Unfortunately we were very unlucky with the weather, and it rained on the days leading up to our wedding. When I woke up on the day of our wedding to discover it was still raining my heart sank. But, I rang you and you put me at ease – we would be getting married – rain or no rain! You arranged for a lovely make up lady to come to our hotel, I was delighted with the results and the price! At 5.30 the rain stopped and the sun came out, I can’t tell you how happy I was! Our 38 guests were all collected by bus from their different hotels, and I was picked up in a lovely car to be taken to the venue. Think I probably started to get nervous at this point! When I walked down the beach to the music we had chosen I was so happy, everything looked so beautiful! The ceremony went without a hitch, and then the party began! You organised for us to have canapés on the beach with the champagne. They were lovely and very much appreciated by the guests. We then had the confetti drop, before sitting down for the meal. The food was lovely, and enjoyed by all. The cake in particular was delicious with nearly all guests saying it was the nicest wedding cake they had ever eaten! For entertainment we had the belly dancer, DJ and fire show. The belly dancer was fantastic and got everyone up dancing, even my Grandad had a go! The DJ played great music all evening, and also had everyone up dancing. The Fire show came towards the end of the evening and I can defiantly recommend him! In all our wedding day was amazing, and we wouldn’t have changed a single thing about it! Thank you carol for an unforgettable day! Best wishes, Mr & Mrs Meagor Beach wedding – 30th May 2011

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