Mr and Mrs Kenny

Anna and Zane
7th June 2018
Becca and Rich
10th June 2018
Anna and Zane
7th June 2018
Becca and Rich
10th June 2018

Hi Carole,

Carly and I just wanted to drop you an e-mail to say many thanks for the wedding. People always talk about their wedding day being the best day of their lives, but this truly was. It surpassed all our greatest expectations and really was a day to remember.
We had decided to get married in Turkey because Hisoronu was the placed where we actually got engaged and we thought then that it would be a great place to get married and have a family holiday. Our original plan was to get married with First Choice and then use Carole for the after-wedding party. However, we were so impressed with the way Carole dealt with our requests we decided to ask her to organise the whole event.

The wedding went without a hitch with most of the organising being completed over a refreshing glass of Efes in Fethiye Harbour. This included finalising cake designs, selecting flowers, organising decorative arrangements and also choosing our music and menus.
The day was all laid out to absolute perfection and couldn’t have been any better, the boat was beautiful, the staff were excellent, the food was delicious and the sunset was out of this world.

All the guests who attended our wedding have been saying what a wonderful day it was, with many of them now considering a wedding in Turkey.

Thanks again Carole,


Mr and Mrs Kenny
Bridgend Wedding date 29th May 2008

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