Nikki and Andrew Fletcher
10th June 2018
Jason, Lydia and George
11th June 2018
Nikki and Andrew Fletcher
10th June 2018
Jason, Lydia and George
11th June 2018

Hi carole
Kev and I would like to thank you very much for creating our wedding day into one of the most perfect and special days of our lives. The organisation of all the various legal formalities had been carefully orchestrated by yourself and your team. Teresa and John are a credit to your team and they were great fun as well as being professional.

The Antalya trip was effortless because of it. All we had to do was turn up and it all unfolded before us. The trip up to Antalya, the offices in Fethiye and of course the big day itself and the visit to the Consulate office in Fethiye a few days later. We have now received our officially endorsed wedding certificate as well. Please send Teresa and John our kind regards and good wishes for the future

The photographs are the best I have ever seen – the quality of the album we received was phenomenal. We have got two of our most favourite photographs printed onto canvass and they now proudly hang on our lounge wall. When I look at them it fills me with so much happiness and reminds me of that very special intimate and personal wedding that you created. The joy and happiness on both of our faces are a testament to the beautiful, care free, relaxed and well organised day that we had.

We cannot highly recommend you enough.
Wishing you a very well deserved break over the winter. Hope you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.

Kev and I would be very happy for you to use our album photos on your website if you so wish.

A very heartfelt thanks once more. We hope to visit next year and we will certainly pay you a visit.

Kind regards
Carys and Kev xxx
P.S. We are so glad that we were handed your brouchure with the Olu Deniz beach wedding details in it when out on a day trip on one of your gulets. Our lives were transformed from that day. Thank you so much.

BEACH 26TH September 2010

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